Who we are

The cultural and physical survival of Indigenous peoples who have inhabited the lands and waters of the Pacific Northwest since time immemorial depends upon the inclusion of traditional wisdom and knowledge. In recognition of the USFS’s proposal to amend the Northwest Forest Plan and to incorporate specific Tribal Inclusion components, people came together to share information and see if the process and substance of the amendment could be used to protect the environmental, cultural and economic well-being of Native Nations and do so in ways that respect Tribal treaty-rights, and access to reserved resources. 

This website is the product of informal discussions, sharing of information, and engagement with Indigenous content providers.  A special thanks to all who have participated including First Nations Development Institute and the Wilburforce Foundation for providing support to create this website. Content has been provided by Affiliated Tribes of NW Indians, Against the Current Consulting, Children of the Setting Sun Productions, and The Wilderness Society.

The NWFP amendment process is unfolding as the change in administration is occurring at the national level.  This fact may have bearing on the outcome of the process but regardless, the importance of partnerships, of transparency, and of respect does not change. We hope you find this website a useful tool in service of protecting Tribal sovereignty and self-determination.